This morning I hauled my carcass out to Roberta's in Bushwick to do a radio show with my old pal, Mike Edison. Right off the bat, we disagreed about how we met. Mike recalled meeting me through an old friend of mine he used to date. But our actual meeting pre-dated that—we'd actually first met when his old band, Killdozer, drove up to Worcester and Boston to play a few shows with Reagan Youth. I'd been seeing Reagan Youth's lead singer, the late Dave Insurgent, who'd invited me along. Despite what having a foot-high mohawk might imply, I was very shy back then, so I'm sure I didn't say much. I was pretty overwhelmed being in a van load of loud boys.
So anyway, yeah, I've known Mike forever and earlier this year he hired me to write a book called The Complete Book of Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll Lists. Yay, Mike! Mike's co-host was Patrick Martins, who owns Heritage Foods and is a super nice guy. The other guest was Ron Silver—not the actor. Ron owns Bubby's! I love Bubby's! He's a very nice guy too. Though he did tell us we were trashy, he insisted he meant it in a nice way. We talked about food, dating, restaurants, bad tippers, and a whole bunch more, including salmonella (though I didn't have much to say on that topic).