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michelle goodman

OH MY GOD! i'm sorry for your pain, but i shart-numped myself laughing so hard. i think you should just run this as your column next year. ;) xo


"Added value fart"= you *"sharted".

*Best movie line ever.



Which I never say.

cha davis

Well, there's your column for next year....

Fab Eberhard

Brilliantly funny and yet, oh dear, so painful to read. At least the colors sort of makes me want to write about the trip to the vomitorium when my rictus became rectus: Red wine, steak, chocolate birthday cake, and ketamine . Happy VD.


it's true, i am in love with you...and that garbage can spells love in so many ways!!!!!!!!!!! that giant greek should pat himself on the back for finding such a lady!


i was hoping, just a little bit, as i reached the end of the story that the shiny new garbage can played a role as a receptacle (for all that was ailing you)!

Tiia Jones

Hysterical! I was hoping the new Valentine's Day trashcan would play a role too (after all the foreshadowing), but maybe later.

The thing is, we can all relate to so much of it. The being sick part as well as the wanting it to be romantic and it not living up to expectatons. Well done!


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