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You know, every time I see the press mention that Heidi Montag person (who I have no idea who she is, except someone who's semi-famous enough that even I've heard of her), I think they're quoting Haoui Montaug, & then when they aren't, I'm sad.
So I would like to politely ask the world's media (as represented (very ably, I would guess) by you) to immediately cease all mention of this person, in order to avoid confusing & upsetting me.
Thank you.
Yr. pal
PS Also liked ref. to "aptly named" Anna.


I also always think of Haoui Montaug! But she's a different animal. Think the complete opposite of him and you have her.

I promise to never mention her again.


I just always think, "Montag, hmmm, German for "Monday," oh, I want to go listen to today's Deutsche-Welle podcast now."

Thanks for this, Judy--good reading.


when the revolution starts, Anna Wintour is the first person that should be imprisoned. Grace can be free to entertain me.

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