This past weekend—thanks to the kindness of my friends Betty and Peter—was spent in a beautiful little house by Lake Valhalla in Cold Spring, NY. That's me in the lake, doing the "supastah" pose from Superstar, the Mary Katherine Gallagher movie. Bad movie, but my man finds Mary Katherine very hot—so I do what works for him.
Speaking of the Large Greek, here he is by the lake. Note that he would not actually go into the water because he was positive that doing so would leave him covered in leeches. Oddly enough, he's not the only one who thinks this, because when I told my friend Bob that I'd gone swimming in a lake, he also told me I was crazy to swim with the leeches! What the hell?!? I didn't see one leech, though I did run screaming out of the water after a fish brushed by my ankle.
I need to get the hell out of New York. At least part-time.