Bob Guskind, of Curbed and Gowanus Lounge just posted an incredibly insightful and thoughtful analysis of my current housing situation and how it's emblematic of everything that's going on in this current climate of development first, people last. (Unless they happen to be rich people.) Here's an excerpt:
Even if you don't care about people, there has to be a self-centered part of everyone that can picture what it's like to be in your home and suddenly be afraid you're going to become homeless because of work going on next door. There has to a part of everyone that can understand the insane, helpless rage that comes from watching someone bash in your wall and having no one to turn to because you are dealing with an unresponsive and/or utterly ineffective system. There has to be a part of even the most callous "deal with it" person that becomes a little frustrated knowing that a phone call will be ignored or that inspectors will show up days after the problem was reported and, then, will duly note, "we didn't see a problem."
Being stuck smack dab in the middle of all the insanity, it's been extremely difficult for me to pull my head out of my ass long enough to be eloquent about anything other than how stressed and frustrated I've been. I feel really lucky that there are people like Bob around who can see the bigger picture and bring it home to people who might otherwise shrug it off as "not their problem." Because damn, it might not be your problem today, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Like I said before, I've been there. Still am, the building I live in has been screwed up big time. Called the DOB to report what was being done, and they responded that the builder next door was working according to plans. Big deal. Their plans must have included undermining our building.
I have found that waiting for a city agency like the DOB is fruitless. They don't care about us.
Go to someone who has their money on the line. Earlier, I suggested trying the insurance company for your building. It may work. If someone is holding a mortgage on your building, let them know. Hell, try any old thing you can think of. But the city just ain't gonna help, unless you are politically connected.
Posted by: vintagejames | December 21, 2007 at 02:21 PM
VintageJames is right. City agencies only care about the people with money who are politically connected and therefore can make their lives miserable if they don't do something. The DOB is easily as corrupt as the construction industry it is supposed to be controlling.
It just sucks to feel powerless. I feel your pain Judy!
Posted by: Scarlett | December 21, 2007 at 02:45 PM
If you're living in a rent-contolled area, you're jacked. Just keep in mind that there are only two things that Republicans (and Democrats, more and more) do:
1. Transfer wealth and power from the poor to the rich.
2. Implement strategies that cover the fact that #1 is occuring (gay marriage, terrorism, school prayer).
Judy, you live in the center of where this is happening. If you happen to be Hawaiian, Iraqi, Native American, or a member of any other group which happens to be living on or near something coveted by international bankers and the rich, you're jacked. They're going to take it and if you attempt to stop them they'll send in cruise missiles or infected blankets.
Posted by: Paul | December 27, 2007 at 12:56 PM