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« But what you really want for christmas is a nice hard. . . | Main | Wow. »


Kevin Eleven

I think I might be related to the firefighter in the foreground. He is, at a minimum, a landsman.


This is insane. Has anyone followed the advice of another commenter, i.e., to call the building's insurance company? Goddamnit!


eff 311 call 911 for fire every time..I can't believe it-that really sucks!...and I'm sure you still have to pay rent?!



Judy McPissOff

Interesting that Tino's comment came from someone googling "Marie Grasso" MMG. Could it be Marie or one of her crew is actually computer literate?


Fer sure, Tino is probably the tiny little spanish feller on a girl's bike with butterfly handle-bars; that I wasted my energy by tossing out of the unlocked lot that old Shlomo Karpen is gonna build his luxurious Gazawest Condos on.The lot is wide open.
I saw this guy in the lot picking up a big set of bolt cutters and a pipe cutter at 7 on a saturday. I asked him who he worked for and he said , " heez a beeg maaan." All I heard was man, & I know MMGs brains and braun are 2 dudettes , if you will; that are both 4x4, and 300 plus lbs.. But not men. Marie and Minnie. It's cute, right. They have this bad ass self delusion, but are actually real pussycats. Retarded, cross-eyed pussycats. Not really lap cats , if you know what I mean.
Any who, for the "just move" guy, peace and happiness.sholom.

Howard Darsi

I have a friend at the DOB, Does that count for anything?

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