I wonder. This is my new neighbor, the backhoe. It's currently ripping apart the steel beams that used to hold the cabbage factory next door together.
It also ripped out my cable. I still have phone service (at least one other neighbor doesn't), but am piggypacking a neighbor's internet connection. The building keeps rocking back and forth like it's going to be cracking in two any second.
It's actually quite scary and I wonder if I should just round up the boyfriend and the cats and go somewhere else for the next couple days.
UPDATE: No phone at my apartment either now. This makes sense as the phone lines are now lying on the pavement across North 11th St. I watched as several cars ran over them. Thanks, Marie Grasso and MMG Design. (Why's it called "design" when all you do is tear shit down?)
THE LATEST: There's a stop work order in effect! Maybe I'll sleep tonite. Thank you, Bob at Gowanus Lounge/Curbed for drawing attention to this horrible situation, and Ms. Heather at New York Shitty for writing Joe Lentol when I was basically clueless as to who I should contact.
Your home sacrificed for sparkly hipster lofts? That's a problem? Just think: no more screechy Royal Coker's (especially those pesky broads asking for a beating).
Posted by: Crack 'ho in a backhoe. | November 14, 2007 at 06:24 PM
Actually, getting the fire department out there was a good move. They can report stuff (like your downed telephone lines) to the Department of Buildings.
Posted by: Miss Heather | November 16, 2007 at 10:45 AM