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that is one new yorky new york story. new york new york new york, oh how you frustrate and befuddle me. the story is still amazing, though, even though i know this kind of pain and hassle all too well.

Katia Kelly

This city is so dysfunctional on so many levels. I feel your pain! If you want to find out further info about a building, try "" It is an amazing site used by architects and builders. You may need to create a free account, but with that account, you can access all info about the address (price paid by owner, permits issued, violations....)
Worth a try


What I'm wondering is what happens inside a cabbage factory? They manufacture cabbage? It doesn't grow in the ground anymore?


I used to live on Richardson St, and would walk by that awful smelling place every day. I believe they brought in the cabbage whole, and shredded it there, but that doesn't really account for the smell, which was ghastly.

The worst part was that there used to be a bread factory on or about N 9th, which was wonderful smelling. On my daily walk from the subway, I'd inhale wonderful bread smells and then ACK!, almost retch because I was suddenly smelling dead things (cabbage). I learned to time the exact spot to stop inhaling until I got home.

Judy McStank

My favorite thing about the bread factory was when they'd throw out the dough in dumpsters and it would keep rising over the sides, like a yeasty blob monster coming to get you. But yeah, that was a much nicer smell.

I guess it was more of a cabbage processing plant, but I like the sound of cabbage factory better. They'd chop it up and then load it into bags and then into a truck and down the street to the eggroll processing plant.


I went inside your cabbage proccessing and rat feeding facility nee Tuomey Truck Garage at 5 Roebling today. Every door is unlocked, so I helped myself. Not much to see except the old grates in the floor that have 80 years of Diesel and fuel product, with a thick layer of sad, dry, cabbage leaves on top. Lot's of water bottles of urine sit darkening in the filthy garage.
I hope , Shlomo Karpen (the new owner) or Marie Grasso (the demo artist) don't get a nice Polski guy frm The DZgndobrey Drinking Forest, in McCarren Park, to come over to burn some insulation off copper wiring , tonight.
The rats are all gone, though.
Bet they'll head for the new restaurant around the corner?
Or my pillow case. In any case, sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite.


don't know if this will help but have you contacted your councilperson (they usually have a community liaison for issues such as this).

get them to do the leg work for you -- that's what your tax dollars pay them to do.

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