Has anyone been watching Rescue Me and/or Californication? What is up with these mid-40s guys suddenly becoming catnip to the scandalously young ladies of TVLand? Now Denis Leary and David Duchovny are both attractive guys, but—sorry, fellas—a tad past their sell-by date. (Though in Duchovny's case, he's rumored to be hung like a tree trunk, which has a certain appeal.) Yet watch either of the shows and marvel as both of them are constantly set-upon by wildly horny young nymphos, seemingly driven to distraction by their intoxicating (and often intoxicated) presence.
Californication even has a 16-year-old Lolita-esque cutie going after Duchovny. Now, true, I don't have daddy issues, but when I was 16, 45 may as well have been 105 for all the appeal it held. In the last episode, a porn star flagged him down while driving for a little anal exploration. WTF? Who besides Tommy Lee gets laid this often? Certainly not most of the aging alcoholic writers I know.
Rescue Me is possibly more irritating as there is apparently not a female alive who won't thoroughly debase herself to git with Mr. Ginger-vitis. And then there are the retarded dream sequences we the viewer have to live through each week. Sigh. Duchovny gets a pass because he didn't write his show, but Leary is a creator, producer, occasional director and writer on his. If I were his wife, we'd be having a reality check right about now.
Isn't it a firefighter thing? The truck, the uniform, the copious sweat, the selfless heroism, the cooking skills, the boys-together for long hours.
Doesn't that drive (some) (young) women wild?
Or am I confusing " " " " "" ' "" with Gay Men?
Posted by: a.murkin | August 28, 2007 at 06:46 PM
The fireman thing is valid, but the way the show portrays it, he'd be getting that much ass if he were a plumber. I'm not buying it.
Posted by: Judy McFiremanFan | August 28, 2007 at 09:59 PM
You mused: "What is up with these mid-40s guys [...] constantly set-upon by wildly horny young nymphos"
Welcome to reality (especially here in NYC).
Women get the attention when they're young. Men get it when they're not so young.
(Chicks are apparently into 'older'; with an older guy they can always feel young & pretty.)
Posted by: david | August 29, 2007 at 02:39 PM
I think you know it's the fireman thing for me...they are America's heros after all and they are all HOT!!
Posted by: soooz | August 30, 2007 at 02:03 PM
Rescue me went South when Leary's character sold his baby - yeah that happens often - but also what is UP with that firehouse? Every place of work has a fuck up or two but if there were that many freaks in one fire station in freaking New York don't you think SOMEONE would investigate them? But they just offset that fact that these guys are total freaks, drunks, adulterers, whore-mongers, and in total misogynistic, by showing them doing their jobs - a noble job I admit - but still it's their job - that show now officially sucks!
Posted by: TheRev. Dorkopoulos | September 03, 2007 at 03:26 PM