The past couple weeks have been extremely nerve-wracking around here. As I've mentioned several dozen times, I recently signed a contract to write a book. It's due February 1st. And instead of actually writing it, I have been busily flipping out about it instead. We're talking pulling hair, waking up at 4 AM, mid-anxiety attack, yelling at people who didn't do anything to warrant getting yelled at, the whole nine.
Bear in mind, a lot of this book has already been written. I just have to compile it, do a ton of rewriting and organizing. Not an impossible task, but I have been so freaked out and crippled by feelings of inadequacy and panic that it's been like a cement wall had been constructed around me. Then yesterday, I talked with an old pal who has a book or two under her belt. I felt really guilty about it, but blew off our Sunday plans because I knew I needed to get a ton of work done, pronto. Instead of being annoyed by my flakitude, Ms. Carly was completely supportive and great. She told me that I shouldn't bother making plans with people until I feel that the book is in good shape and anyone who truly cared about me would completely understand. She pointed out that this is huge and has to be my number-one priority.
And somehow hearing that made a big crack in the wall and so I've spent most of the day writing. While it's still daunting, it now seems doable.
Speaking of "do." I put up the photo of Mabel the Cat because last night when I picked her up for our evening Law & Order: SVU marathon, I smelled something so foul I gagged. I quickly put her down and realized the backs of her hind legs were smeared with diarrhea! But if they were poopy, what about me, I thought to myself. Looked down at my arms and yup. They were poopy. She's not sick, but was very embarrassed at having gotten herself smeary. I washed both us up and we both smell heaps fresher today. Just thought I'd share!
Oh my God! are you blugging?
Posted by: The Rev McLuvsJudy | December 03, 2006 at 09:31 PM
I've only just begun.
Posted by: Judy McBuyMyBook | December 03, 2006 at 09:32 PM
yeah, what are you doing talking to us? (wink, wink) time to hit the keyboard, lady.
this article will make you feel better; i believe you have just completed step 1:
when i first read this article, i cracked up (or perhaps cringed) with recognition.
Posted by: michelle | December 04, 2006 at 07:01 AM
Holy cow! I'm already on Step Two!!! I loved that piece!
Posted by: Judy McBlankPage | December 04, 2006 at 11:55 AM
If you'd come out with me and Tricia the night before for hot apple cider*, Mabel never would have had the kitty squirts! Trust me, I know.
BTW, my dream episode of the "normal" Law & Order is to have that sanctimonious blowhard Sam Waterson get stuck in an elevator with Detectives Munch and Goren as they argue something completely esoteric and bizarre, like the use of pesticides in Thailand in the 1970s. Now *that* would be "must-see TV"!
* = not that we found any hot apple cider out there. But whiskey works, too!
Posted by: Welcome to a Winter Whiskey Wonderland! | December 04, 2006 at 05:23 PM
Judy. Judy, judy, judy. Just do your book and don't worry about anything else. Be glad it'll all be over by February. True hell is doing a book that takes months and months and months.
Posted by: val | December 04, 2006 at 07:34 PM
I feel ya, Judy. I've got the same problem. I'm doing an anthology filled with OTHER people's writing and it seems impossible to kick my ass to do it.
Mabel needs to cut down on the Mexican.
Posted by: gh | December 04, 2006 at 08:18 PM
Congrads on the book. Now hunker down and poop it out!
Posted by: a.murkin | December 09, 2006 at 10:52 AM