I have tried to give Emily Yoffe—Slate.com's new advice columnist—the benefit of the doubt. I figure her first few columns were just indicative of a new gig she was growing into. After all, I generally like what she writes. In her normal writing she is absolutely fearless about making a fool of herself (a trait I admire a great deal) and is very funny in the process.
But this! This is something entirely different. This week a guy writes in saying he's in the doghouse for throwing out mementos of his wife's various affairs. WTF?!?! First of all, these things should've never even made it in the house; second, of course he chucked them! Yoffe says that he should've politely asked wifey to dispose of her philanderous souvenirs, but now that the damage that is done, they definitely have some talking to do.
Um, talking? How about throwing the wife out? This isn't just one affair, this is several. The fact that she's keeping gifts from these guys means she's at best insensitive, at worst (and more likely) a heinous cunt of misery. And what kind of a doormat is he? Why is he even writing an advice columnist with this non-problem? His wife is mad about him throwing some crap her secret lover men had given her? So what? Good! Why isn't he more angry that she's fucking around behind his back and then flaunting the evidence?
My answer: kick the slag out and grow yourself a set!
I swear, I have to do everything around here. . . .
BTW, that picture is of an undergarment called "smarty pants." Since I'm feeling like a smarty pants right about now, I thought it was an appropriate photo. Google images is such a source of inspiration for me.