Here are some clues that you're dealing with a real-estate moron:
- References Sex and the City, and not in a making-fun-of way. Extra points for identifying with one character in particular.
- Insists on calling herself a "city girl" despite the fact that she's from Long Island and will only live in doormen buildings in neighborhoods that have been stripped of all personality and are also populated almost exclusively with people from Long Island and New Jersey. (And I say this as a proud ex-Jerseyite.)
- Poo-poos the idea of a working wood-burning fireplace, citing it as "taking up space better used for a television set." (Presumably to watch SATC DVDs on.)
- Thinks of Brooklyn as a scary foreign land.
- Wants to live near her midtown office; most likely because this "city girl" is also afraid of the subway. Because why the hell else would anyone live in midtown?
People live in Midtown?
Posted by: Jules | February 07, 2006 at 04:07 PM